Case details

Merger control
Case reference
Ccent/2024/70 - Sierra / Colombo*Vasco da Gama
Centro Colombo – Centro Comercial, S.A.
Company governed by Portuguese law that owns the shopping center called “Centro Colombo”, located in the city of Lisbon. Its main activity consists of providing spaces to third parties for the exercise of commerce, food, leisure and similar activities, in the shopping center it owns.
Centro Vasco da Gama - Centro Comercial, S.A.
Company governed by Portuguese law that owns the shopping center called “Centro Vasco da Gama”, located in the city of Lisbon. Its main activity consists of providing spaces to third parties for the exercise of commerce, food, leisure and similar activities, in the shopping center it owns.
Sonae Sierra, SGPS, SA
Holding company of an international group whose activity comprises the development, investment and management of shopping centers, and other real estate assets intended for commercial activities, and also the provision of investment, development and real estate management services. It is exclusively controlled by Sonae, SGPS, S.A., the holding company of a group that brings together a vast set of shares in companies with activities primarily focused on the business of food and non-food distribution, the provision of financial services to consumers, in the telecommunications and audiovisual sector, as well as information technologies and software.
Activity (NACE)
Applicable legislation
Notification thresholds
Type of merger
Cooperation with sector regulators
Type of Investigation
AdC’s decision
Case description

The merger operation consists of the acquisition, by Sonae Sierra, SGPS, S.A. (“Sierra”), indirectly, through a subsidiary, of exclusive control over the companies Centro Colombo – Centro Comercial, SA and Centro Vasco da Gama - Centro Comercial, SA (“Centros Comerciais Colombo and Vasco da Gama”).

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