Case details

Merger control
Case reference
Ccent/2025/8 - ETE / TSA
ETE - Empresa de Tráfego e Estiva, S.A.
ETE belongs to the ETE Group, which develops activities in the areas of port operations, with a system of port terminals and concessions associated with logistics, river, sea, land and air transport, maritime transport of goods, with shipowner activity, in technical management services for ships and crews, recruitment, training and certification support for ships and port facilities. ETE is a stevedoring company dedicated to carrying out port operations in the Port of Lisbon, being the concessionaire of the Poço de Bispo Multipurpose Terminal and carrying out offshore loading and unloading operations for ships.
TSA - Terminal de Santa Apolónia, Lda.
Company controlled by ETE and GSMARÍTIMA, Ltda. which holds the Public Service Concession for Containerized and Breakbulk General Cargo Handling Activity at the TML Port Terminal — Lisbon Multipurpose Terminal.
Activity (NACE)
Applicable legislation
Notification thresholds
Type of merger
Cooperation with sector regulators
Type of Investigation
AdC’s decision
Case description

The concentration operation consists of the acquisition by the Company of Traffic and Stevedoring, SA (“ETE”), of the exclusive control of the company TSA — Terminal de Santa Apolónia, Ltda. (“TSA”).

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