Case details

Merger control
Case reference
Ccent/2023/41 - Palavras de Prestígio / VASP
Palavras de Prestígio, Lda.
Active in the edition of periodical, non-periodical or electronic publications, in the collection and distribution of news, comments and images, as well as in the provision of services related to such activities, particularly in the areas of marketing, advertising and the internet. Palavras de Prestígio is owned and controlled by Grupo Bel, a Portuguese business group present in several business areas and sectors, namely in the distribution and vending of tobacco products, aeronautics and aerospace industry, innovation, technology and communication.
VASP -Distribuidora de Publicações, S.A.
Active in the distribution of periodical publications, Santa Casa da Misericórdia social games, prepaid telephone cards, certain non-food and food products, books and marketing products, as well as the graphic printing of periodical publications and the provision of a subscription management service.
Activity (NACE)
Applicable legislation
Notification thresholds
Type of merger
Cooperation with sector regulators
  • ANACOM - Portuguese Communications Authority
  • ERC - Portuguese Regulatory Authority for the Media
Type of Investigation
AdC’s decision
Case description

The merger in question consists of the acquisition by Palavras de Prestígio, Lda. (Words of Prestige) of the exclusive control of the share capital of the company VASP - Distribuidora de Publicações, S.A. (VASP), through the exercise of the option to purchase the shares currently held by Cofina SGPS, S.A..

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