Case details

Merger control
Case reference
Ccent/2024/5 - Evolutio / Reload
Evolutio Cloud Enabler S.A.U.
Owned by investment funds managed by the management company governed by Spanish law Portobello, it specializes in the area of information technologies that provides cloud computing services, application transformation and monitoring services, cybersecurity services and offers task mechanization and optimization solutions of business processes and customer support systems. In Portugal it has a subsidiary, Warpcom, active in providing information technology services.
Reload - Consultoria Informática, Lda.
It operates in the area of IT consultancy and systems, under the commercial name “Securnet”, with a particular focus on cybersecurity and hybrid IT (i.e., services with mixed approaches), which combine technologies from different sources, such as physical and cloud infrastructures. It provides security audit services, consultancy services, supporting clients to define strategies with technological solutions, computer engineering services, implementing and integrating technological solutions, and computer management services, carrying out the administration, operation and support for the operation of infrastructures. network, as well as monitoring and managing IT resources, security and communication systems.
Activity (NACE)
Applicable legislation
Notification thresholds
Type of merger
Cooperation with sector regulators
Type of Investigation
Phase 1
AdC’s decision
Case description

The concentration operation consists of the acquisition by Evolutio Cloud Enabler, S.A. (“Evolutio”) of exclusive control of Reload – Consultoria Informática, Lda., (“Reload”).

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