Case details

Merger control
Case reference
Ccent/2024/52 - Busway / CIM Coimbra
Winning company of Lots 1, 2 and 3 awarded within the scope of the international public tender for the concession of the CIM Coimbra road transport network. Busway is a subsidiary of the Israeli group Afifi which won in 2023, through the company NativExpress, the road transport competition for the Intermunicipal Community of the Aveiro Region.
Acquired - grant
Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região de Coimbra
Universality of rights and obligations over a set of assets allocated to the operation of the public service concession for regular road passenger transport at the CIM of Coimbra, awarded on 03/27/2024, within the scope of which the following Lots are allocated: a) Lot 1 – Coimbra, Condeixa-a-Nova, Figueira da Foz, Montemor-o-Velho, Penela, Soure and connections to CIM Leiria; b) Lot 2 – Coimbra, Cantanhede, Mealhada, Mira, Mortágua, connections to CIM Viseu Dão and Lafões and EXPOFACIC service; c) Lot 3 – Coimbra, Arganil, Góis, Lousã, Miranda do Corvo, Oliveira do Hospital, Pampilhosa da Serra, Penacova, Tábua, Vila Nova de Poiares, connections between Tábua and Santa Comba Dão (CIM of Viseu Dão and Lafões) and connections to the CIM of Beiras and Serra da Estrela.
Activity (NACE)
Applicable legislation
Notification thresholds
Type of merger
Cooperation with sector regulators
Type of Investigation
AdC’s decision
Case description

The merger operation results from the award, by the Intermunicipal Community of the Coimbra Region, through an international public tender for the concession of the road transport network in the Coimbra Region, of the public regular passenger transport service to the company Busway, S.A..

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