Case details

Merger control
Case reference
Ccent/2024/53 - Digi / Cabonitel
Cabonitel, S.A.
Company governed by national law, controlled by Lorca JVco., a company governed by British law. Cabonitel controls Nowo Communications, S.A. (“Nowo”), a company that offers electronic communications services in mainland Portugal, including fixed communications, mobile services (as “MVNO”, using the MEO network), fixed Internet services, pay television services and telecommunications packages. Nowo holds rights to use a total of 70 MHz of radio spectrum.
DIGI Portugal, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.
Company governed by national law that is part of the Digi Group, with headquarters in the Netherlands and effective management headquarters in Romania, active in the telecommunications sector in Romania, Spain and Italy, under the brand “Digi”. In Portugal, Digi does not have, on the date of Notification, active services or billing. Digi is registered with ANACOM to offer electronic communications networks and services at a national level and holds rights to use a total of 95 MHz of radio spectrum and fiber optic network currently being installed in various parts of the country.
Activity (NACE)
Applicable legislation
Notification thresholds
Type of merger
Cooperation with sector regulators
Type of Investigation
AdC’s decision
Case description

The concentration operation consists of the acquisition, by Digi Portugal, Lda., of exclusive control of Cabonitel, S.A..

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