Case details

Merger control
Case reference
Ccent/2024/68 - TD Synnex / Ajoomal Portugal
Ajoomal Portugal, Lda.
Ajoomal Asociados is a Spain-based company engaged in the wholesale distribution of IT products, software and related services, offering a wide range of products related to network security solutions, including specialized cybersecurity, cloud security (“ cloud”), mobile device back-up and management, WI-FI protection, etc. The target assets of the transaction constitute a set of tangible and intangible assets related to the wholesale distribution of IT products in Portugal and Spain.
TD SYNNEX Portugal, Lda.
Multinational business group, based in the USA, whose operations focus on wholesale distribution and offering bundled solutions for information technology (“IT”) products, and related services and solutions, to retail customers. TD Synnex provides a broad range of technology products and solutions ranging from hardware and software distribution, to advanced cloud solutions, cybersecurity and technology consulting services. In Portugal, TD Synnex is not active in the retail distribution market.
Activity (NACE)
Applicable legislation
Notification thresholds
Type of merger
Cooperation with sector regulators
Type of Investigation
Phase 1
AdC’s decision
Case description

The merger operation consists of the acquisition, by TD Synnex Spain, S.L. and by TD Synnex Portugal, Lda. (“TD Synnex Group” or “TD Synnex”), of exclusive control of a set of tangible and intangible assets held by Ajoomal Associados, S.L. and by its subsidiary Ajoomal Portugal, Lda. (“Ajoomal Assets”).

Phase I Decision - The AdC issued a non-opposition decision to the merger 68/2024 - TD Synnex / Ajoomal Portugal.
TD Synnex Group notifies the acquisition of exclusive control over a set of Ajoomal Assets.
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