Notify a merger

SNEOC — Electronic Notification System for Mergers is an online platform that allows the electronic filing of merger notifications. You can access SNEOC after registration either to notify a merger or consult an ongoing merger case. Check out how to register to access this platform.

LoginRegister - To notify
Register - To consult

Registration for consultation of an ongoing merger case

Ccent/2024/8EDPR / EDPR PE
Ccent/2024/11Barraqueiro / MGC
Ccent/2024/16Bondalti / ERCROS
Ccent/2024/18Veolia / Micronipol
Ccent/2024/19Palex / Medicinália*Empresas Alvo
Ccent/2024/20Crest Agro I*Digave / Grupo Ambiflora
Ccent/2024/21Lactogal / JD*Grupo Santiago
Ccent/2024/22Oxy Capital / Cicomol
Ccent/2024/23Finerge / Eólica da Arada*Eólica da Cabreira*Eólica de Montemuro*Windminho
Ccent/2024/24Portuslara / Hotel da Praia*D’El Rey Services*Golfbéltico*Priority Goal
Ccent/2023/17LNE / R&B*Arena Atlântico
Ccent/2023/41Palavras de Prestígio / VASP
Ccent/2023/82 Yilport Iberia*GS Marítima / Sotagus
Ccent/2022/55Vodafone / Cabonitel